
Lord Ancient Ayurvedic Heritage of India: Speech by Dr Krishna kumar

Dr Krishna kumar, Scholar, Doctor in Ayurvedic science, who completed Ayurvedic medical course from Shornur (kerala) college of Ayurveda speaks on Ayurveda heritage in India and importance and development of Ayurveda in modern world in ENGLISH
Content Tags of the Speech

Ayurvedic Heritage of India * Ayurvedic Drugs * Ayurvedic medicines * Manuscripts of Ayurveda * Ayurveda as Holistic treatment * Insight in Medical practitioners * Ayuvedic colleges in India * Western world and Ayurveda * Three Dosha’s (vata, pitha, kabha ) * Ayurvedic heritage of Kerala * Marketing Ayurveda * Western medicine and Ayurveda * World health organization and Ayurveda * Science of Ayurvedic treatments and Medicines * Ayurvedic Courses * Ayurveda colleges in India * Integrating Ayurveda and Modern medicine * Ayuvedic Treatment for different deceases * Success of Ayurveda in curing Chronic deceases *How Tantra and Pooja aids Holistic treatment * Intuition science in treatment * cancer treatment in Ayurveda * Psychosomatic diseases in modern age * Ayurveda is not merely a treatment method but a life style itself * divine heritage of India in medical field *

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