APPRECIATION MAIL FROM SRI RANGASWMI KONA;pravachanams ; sudarsan garu, mee site, cooltoad lo upload chesina files chaalaa baavunna...8:47 AM Rangaswami konaLoading...8:47 AM ;Rangaswami kona;;Rangaswami kona to me show details 8:47 AM ;Reply;Hi sudarsan garu, mee site, cooltoad lo upload chesina files chaalaabaavunnaayi. thanks very much for that. I am interested in morepravachanams. If you get any of chaganti koteswara rao garipravachanams, can you pls upload in your site or I am asoftware engineer living in USA. I have lots of swami sundarachaitanyanand's pravachanams. Pls share if you have any of hispravachanams.Thanks & regardsRanga:Rangaswami kona to me show details 11:23 PM ReplyThanks Very much Sudarsan garu. I appreciate it. I forwarded your blogto my friends here. I am sure they appreciate and get benifitted byyour blog and the postings there.I will keep checking your blog for updates. USA living as many say ismechanical and we get lost ourselves in the busy living withoutsparing time for our self introspection and if our way of living isper dharma in the scriptures. This makes me to look up to people likeyou whose noble intentions for speading devotional and spiritualpravachanams among people. I appreciate it.Thanks & regardsRanga