
Lord Introduction to Tantra Sastra by John Woodroffe

Introduction to Tantra Sastra
John Woodroffe
An Introduction to Tanthra Shastra, by Sir. John Woodroffe (1865–1936) helps a lot for beginners of Tantra, and those who are interested in Tantric field. He was a master in Tantra and a Tantric teacher also. His works on tantra like Serpent power, Shakthi, shaktha, Garland of letters are popular.
This book Touches the topic like concept of Siva and Sakti, The lokas said in tantra sastra, Inhabitants of the world like Varna and Asrama, The Scriptures of the ages, The human Body, Teacher-Guru and Diciple-Sisya, Diksha-Initiation of Education, Sadhana- worship, Four aims of Human Life (dharma, Ardha, kama, Moksham), Sin and virtue in karma, Macrocosm and microcosm, Sidhi