
Lord Njaneshwari: The First Commentary Wrritten on Bhagavad Gita

The Jnaneshwari- Commentary on Bhagavad gita by Saint Njaneshwar is considered as the Best Gita commentary ever written. It also has one more importance that The Jnaneshwari was the first commentary written on Bhavad Gita in a language other than Sanskrit. Saint jnaneshwar brought the essense and wisdom of Bhagavad Gita to common man in Maharashtra by writing the Commentary in Marathi language.
"As a generous giver refuses no one, the Gita gives nothing less than final liberation to one who reads, hears, or understands it." -- Jnaneshwar Maharaj

"If, after Jnaneshwari, anyone tries to write more on the Gita, it will be as if he were dressing a dish full of nectar with pieces of coconut shell." -- Eknath Maharaj
Sri MATA Amritanandamayi devi (Amma) has also emphasized the importance of Njaneshwar’s Commentary on Bhagavat Gita.

Read njaneshwari in malayalam
Read njaneswari in English

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