
Lord Praana Pranee Praanayam by Yogi Bhajan

‘Prana Pranee Pranayam’ is a collection of Yogi Bhajans messages, teachings, lectures about Pranic energy and Kundalini kriyas to control this pranic energy. These are the teachings and lectures throughout his entire career of 35 years. This book is compiled by Ek ong kar kaur khalsa and published by Kundalini research institute, Espanol. Yogi bhajan says that first we enter this world as Spirit, we are living in this universe as physical beings and only familiar with our physical nature.but we have an energy nature also, this is known as prana body. Prana is the life energy of the universe. Yogi bhajans teachings can really make you understand about prana world and your true nature in this world. The meditation exercises included in it are from yogi bhajans teachings, Some commentaries from other yogic background texts also included in it. This book also included topic ‘How to recite Adi mantra's (chant mantra) . Topic like How to practice the yogic kriyas, Developing the range of normal breath, Awareness of breath, General precautions and advices about pranayama practice, Relaxing exercises. It is instructed that people who who follows the kriya instructions in this book should have the guidance of a kriya Master. 

Contents of this ebook
Accessing the Knowledge of the Universe
Balancing Praana and Apaana
Praanic Center
The Three Nadis
The Seventh Rib
Breath and Mantra
Conscious Breathing
Breath of Fire
Pausing the Breath
Alternate nostrils
Neutralizing the Magnetic Field
Breathing in Strokes
Breath and the Tongue
It is claimed in this book that we are both finite and infinite beings. By practicing Pranayama (control of vital force) one can attain the impossible and through pratyahar (it is the meditative state, paying pure and continuous attention to God) one can attain the God itself. Normal pranic breathing exercises, Mudras, Bhandas, and Meditation techniques are described in this book.
Prana is the life force in the body and breath is the career of prana, by controlling breathing we are able to control and balance Prana. Prana acts as controlling Power in body. According to various purposes it is divided into five vayus (air). All prana is one but to help understand the activity in body, it is categorized into five. The Five prana vayus are Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana, Vyana. Prana lies in he chest region, responsible for breathing and drawing in new energy. Apana is responsible for elimination; governing part is the area below navel. Samana is in between the thoracic diaphragm and navel governs actions like digestion, assimilation, discernment.  Udyana operates from Larynx region upward head, governs activities like speaking, projection, mental capacity, memory etc. Vyana spread the entire body and distributes energy to entire cells. Among these vayus three are most important, Prana, Apana, Udyana. If you control the three main pranas, rest pranas will automatically come in alignment. A Set of Excellent Prana balancing exercises are included in it, to balance your Prana and Apana is more importance, when the two Vayus are balanced the rest follows. You should take very care while practicing these exercises; If you are not familiar with yoga, it is advised that these exercises should be practiced in guidance of a Yoga master.
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