
Lord Practice of padmasana the lotus pose

Sit on the ground with your head and spine erect without drooping your shoulders. Extend your legs forward such that your knees and heels are placed together. With the help of your hands, place your right foot on the left thigh and then your left foot on the right thigh. Try to touch the knees to the ground and turn the soles of your feet upwards. Attempt also to minimize the gap between the left and right heels.

Touch the thumb of each hand to the index finger at the tips to form a circle. Ensure that the other three fingers are straight. Rest your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on your right knee with the palms facing upwards. Keep your arms straight at the elbows. This hand position is called Jnana Mudra (Knowledge Hand Gesture) because it signifies the knowledge of connecting the Individual Soul (Atma) with the Supreme Soul (Paramatma).

Remain in this final posture with your eyes closed for about 1-2 minutes (in the early stages) or your breakpoint*. Increase this time gradually to several minutes Repeat the above steps with your left foot placed first on the right thigh and your right foot then placed on the left thigh. This will ensure that both legs are built uniformly.
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