
Lord Questions about Secularism In India

You claim that India is a great country and Indians could see divinity in all living and non living beings. Even with these claims in many places in India the untouchability is practiced . What is your answer?
Answer for general Hindus:  It is sad that  even after 61 years of independence we could not  remove this from the society. Let us all work together like, Satya Sai Baba, Sri Ravisankar, Matha Amruthananda Mayee, Chinmaya Mission  and many Hindu non caste based organizations take this seriously and   work for  unity and remove untouchability.
@ Answer for  communists : Even you have ruled  Bengal for the last 35 years  you could not  stop the  horrible  animal sacrifice in Kolkotta Kali temple. You have never done anything for  removing untouchability in Bengal. In your party too, greatest Kerala leader EMS and  the tops in the party, practice the caste system  literally. First solve that problem and then ask this question. Atleast eradicate untouchability in your party
@ Answer for  Indian  Christians: In your religion the  protestants, Catholics, pentcosts, and  different groups kill  each other. Blood shed by Christianity is the  history of  the world. Remember Hindus never killed in the name of religion or caste. Whenever you get time kindly read how many Hindu temples were smashed and how many lakhs  of your Hindu brothers were killed when Hindus resisted  this conversion in their own motherland ,  by St. Xavier Francis of Goa, whom you worship as SAINT who is a Portuguese missionary and mercenary who is nothing les than a devil for  anyone who knows him .
@Answer for  the Muslims: Dear  friend  in almost all the  68 Muslim countries  no other religion is  allowed, still the  Muslim terrorists  kill Muslims in these countries in the  name of religion . You fight each other  in the name of  shia, sunni, ahamadeeya, mujaahideen,  and so on, even though you have only one Allah, One khoran, One Mecca, One prophet…….  First solve that problem and then ask this question.

@Answer for  Americans, Europeans and Australians:  dear friends how many millions of  red Indians and aboriginals have you killed in the name of religion,  how many poor blacks   you  enslaved for  cleaning your  toilet,  how  many poor fellows you tortured  in the name of religion. How many children your Christian priests molested, how many ladies you raped, how many people you  looted as you hunt animals for your entertainments and enjoyments    and for increasing the number of your people in that region.  You are the people who  will bear the curse of the  god for  killing millions of poor, slaves, aboriginals, and  wiping out them from the surface of the globe earth and NOW YOU SPEAK ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS  AND  UNTOUCHABILITY.   You do not have  the  authority to talk anything like that.
(These type of answers should be prepared for each group when they denigrate  Indian culture and  sanathana dharma. Never try to argue and win but  these discussions are for educating and not for harassing/ teasing. Just  for informing them in strong words and with courage. Inform them that solutions are needed and problems are there everywhere)