
Lord Salt Water Bath is effective for good health

Salt Water Bath is effective for good health
There is a very simple yet effective way to clean your energy body. Take it seriously it is very effective. It is said that Sea bath is very good for health. This may be the reason for the earth’s two third is filled with ocean. This is because the salt is very effective in removing negative or diseased energy. It is very effective to take a bath in sea at least once in a week. Water with salt will clean energy body and gradually strengthen the body and its defense system. For patients with severe diseases like cancer, leukemia, paralysis, leprosy, and venereal diseases it is advised to take salt water bath twice a day. Although this seems to be very simple, it’s very effective. Take a swim in sea water for 20 minutes to clean your energy body. If this is not possible take a bath with water mixed with salt or rub your body with fine salt and wash it off after cleaning body with soap and water. For severe ailments soak yourself in salt water.
A pot of salt water is kept under the cot at night to absorb the negativity and silently thrown out early in the morning on the crossing of road.