The Science of Heal in Ayurveda ebook download
Ayurveda is the Ancient Medical Science of India, has been tested and refined through centuries, which has been used in every facet of Human life in india. The purpose of this book is to bring clarity to Ayurvedic science of healing in a simple and practical way. The most importance of Ayurveda is that it is not based on a changing research resource, but from the eternal knowledge of Sages, Who are one with the unlimited source of universal wisdom. Ayurveda covers the 8 major branches of mediacal science: Pediatrics, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Geriatrics, Otolaryngology (ENT), General medicine and surgery. The Ayurvedic Healing is based upon the five elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether), Three Doshas (Vata, Pitha, Kabha), 7 dathus (Rasa,Raktha,mamsa,meda,asthi,majja,shukla), 3 maias (urine, Stools, Sweat), The body-mind and Soul. Infact principle of Ayurveda is based on the natural law of Self healing. The Self healing mechanism of Body is affected by unhealthy living styles, hence causing imbalances in thri doshas. Ayurveda teaches us Prevention is better than cure, it is not simply a way of treatment, but a Science of living.
The book covers topics like Basic overview of ayurveda, Various Methods of diagnosis and treatments, Use of Herbals, Practical ways for maintaining Good health. The science of ayurveda is enormous and this can be explored from the writings of Ayurvedic Gurus, For example, Sushrutha was a master in Surgery, Who Wrote the Book on Surgeory known as ‘Sushruta Samhita’.