
Lord The Science of Raja Yoga by Vivekananda swamiji

The Science of Rajayoga
By swami vivekananda
All religions are based upon Experiences, though it seems to be based on beliefs. Take any religion, we can see that the truth they teach came from the experience of certain person or persons. If you ask a Cristian why you believe in God? He may say that it is his Belief, but if you Go to the foundation of Christianity, you see it is the based on the experience of Christ with God, his disciples has felt the bliss of devotion. As we consider Buddhism, the same is there, Buddha experienced the Eternal truth and he spread it. In Hinduism also, the great sages of india Said that there is an Eternal reality, which cant be experienced by external senses. They put forward certain methods to experience that Great reality. The science of Rajayoga is the Practical, Scientific and worked out method to find that reality put forward by the Great Sages who lived for the good of mankind.

Each science has Their on methods of verification. These are the truths of the sages of all countries, of all ages, men pure and unselfish, who had no motive but to do good to the world. They all declare that they have found some truth higher than that the senses can bring to us, and they challenge verification. They say to you, take up the method and practice honestly, and then, if you do not find this higher truth, you will have the right to say that there is no truth in the claim, but before you have done that, you are not rational in denying the truth of these assertions. So we must work faithfully, using the prescribed methods, and light will come. 

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