
Lord Siddhasana: Practice, importance and benefits

Sidddhasana- posture practiced to attain siddhis (the accomplished pose) is the most important and beneficial among all the sitting postures. It is one of the most important asanas (the best among 84 lakh asanas) practice of siddhasana purifies the 72,000 Nadis in the body. In Sanskrit the word siddha means the hidden powers within the human body that help individuals to attain spiritual uplift. Siddhasana got its name because it is the asana practiced to attain siddhis. When Siddhasana is mastered Samadhi follows without effort & naturally. One who has mastered Siddhasana has conquered the Self. A man, who follows the Yamas and Niyamas and practices Siddhasana for twelve years without break can attain Yoga Siddhis (psychic powers) for sure. It is the most important asana to practice breath control, discipline of the senses, concentration, meditation & finally to attain self- realization.

Should Read! The best among all yoga asanas

1, Benefits of Siddhasana practice
2, How to practice siddhasana
3, Importance of Siddhasana- physical, mental and spiritual.

Free Ebook on- how to practise and importance, benefits of siddhasana