
Lord What is Ashtanga Yoga (Eight progressive steps in Yoga)

What is Ashtanga Yoga (Eight progressive steps in Yoga)
The word yoga means “union with the Supreme Being”. Patanjali maharshi outlined the eight progressive steps to be followed by those who seeking experience of yoga mental states. This system of yoga is known as Ashtanga yoga, eight steps leading to eternal bliss through fusion of personality in trance consciousness. The first two steps are Yama and Niyamas, comprising the ten rules of behavior for whom who desires a unified life. Western scholars believe Yama niyamas are same as Ten Commandments, but this is wrong. Yama Niyamas are not Simple moral codes of conduct. The concept of Sin or Punishment to Sin is foreign to Yoga and Hinduism. According to Hinduism Karma is the Law of action and reaction. Karma is psychologically equivalent to Newton’s law that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yama niyamas are based upon the knowledge of karma.
First two Steps in Yoga are Yama Niyamas
Ahimsa: Non- violence
Satya: Truth. Maintaining a lie wastes energy and disrupts internal states.
Asteya: Non-stealing. We have a right only to that which we have earned.
Brahmacharya: Sexual energy- response ability.
Aparigraha: Non-possession or detachment from materialism.
Saucha: purity of physical body and freedom from toxic waste.
Santosha: contentment: living in the external now.
Tapas: indifference to extremes or external change.
Svadhyaya: self development. When we cease learning we begin to die.
Ishvarapranidhana: devotion to the philosophical life.

The third stage of patanjali’s classical system is Asana meaning any position which is relaxed and sustained, allowing the body to be held motionless while mental silence is sought. Body acitivity is linked with mental states and the object of asana is to reduce the tendency of physical body to disrupt mental poise.
The fourth stage is Pranayama Simply means Life Energy Control. It consists of breathing techniques resulting in controlled respiration which is characteristically deep and slow. Slow full breathing, deliberately performed in conscious awareness, signals profound relaxation to the mind of aspirant preparing for meditation. Third and fourth step in Yoga means the well known Hatha Yoga. Normally people think Yoga comprises only hatha Yoga, this is wrong and Hatha yoga is a Step in Ashtanga Yoga. This Hatha yoga can also be practiced for maintaining health and for material benefits.
5. Pratyahara
The fifth step is pratyahara, which is the withdrawal of senses from the stimulation of environment as preparation for Samadhi, Supreme state. Here the conscious recognition of impulses from the five sensory gates is diminished.
Final three steps or stages
6. Dharana
The mind is cleared of the multitude of thoughts characteristic of normal consciousness, leaving the lake of consciousness placid.

7. dhyana-Meditation
It is nothing but the sustained dharana, it comes normally when concentration is steady.
8. Samadhi- Pure consciousness
The last stage is Samadhi, may occur at any time in a spiritual students life or it may come after the correct practice of previous seven steps. The word means Pure Consciousness. Adhi meaning in Sanskrit is Lord. Thus Samadhi means the experience of cosmic consciousness. In this state the yogi loses awareness of separateness between the self, object of attention, and the process of attending. A clever west man once said about Samadhi, Sit still, shut up, stop thinking, and go away.