
Lord Why be a Hindu

Why Be a Hindu
Every Hindu should read this book; See what a Westerner Says about Your Culture!
Hinduism is not simply a religion but the eternal spiritual way of life. The author, Stephen knapp grew up in a Christian society. He started reading bible when he was 19 years old in order fulfill his spiritual thirst he started studying various philosophies, religions, civilizations through out the world. At last he happened to study the Ancient Indian culture, the Vedic culture. It was a new experience for him, he found it is the most profound tradition of all. Sanadhana dharma offers more insights to the Spiritual way of life and the purpose of life. He wrote this book to share the experiences and knowledge he gathered through his life about Sanadhana dharma . Nowadays there are efforts to unnecessarily promote serious misunderstandings about Hinduism; a greater portion of this is happening in India itself. The author himself witnessed among some Hindus, especially in young Hindus who moved to the west exhibit confusion and disrespect towards their own culture. This is due to the lack of proper knowledge about Hinduism. The main motive to write this book is to bring a clear idea about Hinduism in both eastern and western minds. But this is not an attempt to claim the Vedic culture is better than anything else for everyone. But surely there are distinct advantages than others.
A short note about the Topics included
Hinduism is the oldest culture in the world
What does Hinduism Stands For?
The Vedic philosophy has the most developed and accurate knowledge about spiritual science
Vedic culture offers clear and the most complete understanding about God and Spirituality
Hinduism (in veda literatures) has many direct instructions from God
It offers information’s that are most accurate and perfect knowledge on KARMA, Life, birth, death and Reincarnation
Vedic culture never says to convert, it accept everyone, this why India continues to be a Secular nation
Vedic culture offers a scientific way for Life, Diet, daily schedule etc
Vedic system leads to the real meaning of life
Hinduism is the Million Dollar Culture!
Read the Ebook, it is Worth!
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