
Lord Indian Heritage Speech: My Experience of Learning Indian Culture

The Speech goes through the Topics-Significance of Indian or Hindu Civilization
A speech delivered in kerala
Master ideas of india-aurobindo
Indian culture, Indian civilization- spirituality
Important of Indian-hinduism-this age
Main stream teaching in Indian universities
Multiculturalism in india in earlier ages.
Difference in Indian religion from other western religions
Universality-Never limited in time, space, it overcomes time
Divinity in self- Main stream thought and aim of life in india
Behavior of Indian civilization is different from western
Architects, builders, poets in ancient india
Attitude of Indian civilization is Secular
Practical principle of Indian Culture-dharma-even today it’s practiced
USA has a criminality rate of 100 times of criminality in india
Hidden act of dharma control harmony in india..
Desruction of indian culture during islamic rule in india
Ancient universities in india- Nalanda, Takshashila.
Ancient Indian Economic science- Ardhashastra in kerala
and many more..

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