
Lord Pranayam: The Ancient Hindu science of Breathing


Ebook on Pranayam: The Ancient Hindu science of Breathing
Pranayama is the ancient Hindu science of Breathing. Now days it is practiced by common people also knowing the great benefits it can provide to life. Ancient days it was not much familiar to common man, but practiced by Yogis to attain the Ultimate state of consciousness and eternal bliss. The word prana means life energy and yama means control. That means breath is controlled and increasing the vitality by empowering prana. Pranayama has a wide range of variables. Some most important pranayamas are Nadhishudhi, Ujjayi, Kevali kumbhak, Surya and Chandra bhedi, Kapalabhadi, Bhastrika, anuloma viloma etc. The benefits and magic of breath control is explained in the ancient text known as Svara vijnana, Kheranda samhita, haddayoga pradepika etc. breathing is a visible activity of prana, through breath control it is possible to control prana (vital force) and which in turn controls mind, because thoughts are formed by pranic pulsations in mind. Thus Pranayama is ultimately meant for Mind control. An agitated and weak mind is the real cause of all life problems, by practicing pranayama and meditation a spiritual aspirant can control his mind and lead life to eternal bliss.
This eBook includes topics like How different pranayamas can be practiced effectively, What is meant by prana and pranayama, Things to observe before pranayama practice, Specific Asanas(seats) for pranayama, About Nadis in Subtle body, Color of prana, about kundalini and seven chakras, Purification of nadis, Sub-Pranas and Their Functions, Health and other benefits of pranayama, Kriyas to be performed before starting pranayama practice, kundali pranayama, concentration on solar plexus, Relaxation of mind, Length and position of each prana in body, about Purity in food and living while practicing pranayama and many other important and rare information’s. If you have a keen interest in practicing pranayama, you should read this book, it can help you a great extend.
This book is written by swamy Sivananda, founder of divine life society. It’s a very interesting book about the science of breathing (pranayama). The book contains suitable lessons for all types of Sadhakas. Those who follow the special instructions given towards the end of the book can be sure of their guaranteed success and safety.
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