
Lord Initiation in saktha culture

Śākta cult consists of many sub-cults. The cults of Śrīī and other goddesses come under the Śākta cult. The philosophy behind the initiation and the techniques are something unique in this cult although it adopts all the fundamental elements from different streams of Śaivism. Initiation techniques are almost similar to that of mantramārga stream of Śaivism.

Some of the notable features of Śākta initiation are as follows:
*It is said in Tripurava that those who are desirous of attaining Perushardhas , especially liberation should get initiated. Because it is the only ladder to ascend to liberation. And this is not possible by following Sāmkhya, Yoga, Pāñcarātra or vedic practices. It also permits women to have initiation.

*Paraśurāmakalpasūtra, a ritual manual of Śrīvidyā tradition describes three kinds of initiation namely Śākti, Śāmbhavī and Māntrī. Pornabhishekha is said to be the highest of all consecration rituals.
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