
Showing posts with label Tantra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tantra. Show all posts

Lord About the of the origin of Tantra in Kerala

Generally, in the Kerala context the term „tantra‟ stands for rituals in connection with the installation and daily worship in temples. Compared to the other south Indian states like Tamilnadu and Andhrapradesh the style of temples, customs and beliefs etc. are very different in Kerala. The origin and the stages of its development are not confirmed beyond doubt even today. Legend has it that it was the sage Paraśurāma who built 108 Śiva and Durga temples at different parts of Kerala with a view to protect the landscape. After the consecration of the temples he entrusted their sovereignty to Tarananallur family.

One of the distinct features of Kerala tantric tradition is that it has been preserved intact orally for generations. And it is firmly grounded on a rich textual tradition. Notably, the stress has always been on the oral tradition and often the texts were taught merely to establish the authority of a particular system. Many of the families have their own ritual manuals handed down through generations. The respective family members are expected to follow their own ritual manuals. But the whole scenario changed after the emergence of Tantrasamuccaya (TS). It brought a big change even in the concept of temples and its role in sustaining social harmony.

The notable characteristic of Kerala tantra is that it pays less attention to the philosophical aspects. Instead, the emphasis is on performing rituals as perfectly as they are imparted. Such a shift of attention from the ritualistic-cum-philosophical aspects of a tradition to mere ritualistic aspects is affected even the concept of initiation.

Lord Initiation in saktha culture

Śākta cult consists of many sub-cults. The cults of Śrīī and other goddesses come under the Śākta cult. The philosophy behind the initiation and the techniques are something unique in this cult although it adopts all the fundamental elements from different streams of Śaivism. Initiation techniques are almost similar to that of mantramārga stream of Śaivism.

Some of the notable features of Śākta initiation are as follows:
*It is said in Tripurava that those who are desirous of attaining Perushardhas , especially liberation should get initiated. Because it is the only ladder to ascend to liberation. And this is not possible by following Sāmkhya, Yoga, Pāñcarātra or vedic practices. It also permits women to have initiation.

*Paraśurāmakalpasūtra, a ritual manual of Śrīvidyā tradition describes three kinds of initiation namely Śākti, Śāmbhavī and Māntrī. Pornabhishekha is said to be the highest of all consecration rituals.

Lord Initiation in Vaishnava culture

Initiation in Vaikhānasa stream
The basic tenets and the procedures of initiation in Vaikhānasas are as follows:
*It is held by the Vaikhānasas that they are directly initiated by Vishnu himself. vishnu does so when they were in the womb so they are called "Garbhavaishnavas". Therefore they do not believe in the necessity of having a particular form of initiation to enable them for performing vaishnava rituals. On the other hand, vishnubali is done along with the sīmantasamskāra, which is observed in the 6th month of conception. During the ritual vishnubali , specially prepared pāyasa is given to the pregnant woman and as a result of its consumption himself initiates the fetus by his conch and disk.
*One of the Vaikhānasa texts Kriyādhikāra prescribes three kinds of initiation in order to be eligible to perform installation rituals. They are 1. Mānasikī 2. Vācikī and 3. Śārīrikī. As the name indicates, mānasikī form of initiation is done mentally i.e. by the power of meditation and visualization. Second one, i.e. Vācikī is performed in the accompaniment of rituals; particularly it is performed in cakrabja mandala . Sārīriki or Kāyikadīksha means initiating a disciple by drawing the symbols of conch and disk on his body by piercing.
* The only aim of initiation seems to be securing eligibility for observing rituals. Vaikhānasas do not claim that initiation grants liberation.
Initiation in Pāñcarātra stream
According to the principles of Pāñcarātra , the properties of initiation are two-fold. On the one hand it qualifies an initiate to perform vaishnava rituals and on the other it bestows liberation. It is to be noted here that the concept of śaktipāta does not appear in any of the V. This is one of the main differences between the fundamental concepts behind Agamic and Pāñcarātra initiation. In spite of such differences ritual procedures are almost similar both in Vaikhānasa and Pāñcarātra cult.
Some of the notable features of Pāñcarātra initiation are as follows:
*The hierarchy of initiates is as follows 1. Samayin- who is bound by rules and regulations and completely ignorant of the fundamental texts and teachings of Pāñcarātra cult, 2. Putraks- who received second level initiation and also considered as a son by the guru. It is because he has succeeded in following the rules and regulations of a samayin, 3. Sādhaka- who has learnt the fundamental scriptures and very fond of performing rituals. Here what makes sādhaka different from both samayin and putraka is that he is alone permitted to do rituals, 4. Ācārya- who is able to interpret scriptures and capable of imparting initiation to others. He enjoys the topmost position among initiates and privileged to perform all kinds of rituals and practices

Lord The initiation in Śaiva culture

The initiation in Śaiva culture
There are two different streams within Śaivism. They are saiddhāntika and non- saiddhāntika or bhairava streams. Even as the initiation rites are similar to a great extent in both streams the philosophy behind the initiation differs

The Saiddhāntika initiation
The dualistic saiddhāntika stream considers worship as one of the major means to attain the ultimate goal. So, one of the main purposes of getting initiated, according to saiddhāntika stream, is to become qualified to perform Śaiva rituals, temple rituals in general. In short, collective worship occupies the central position in the saiddhāntika stream. According to saiddhāntika view an initiation serves two purposes 1) it qualifies someone to perform rituals and 2) also leads to liberation

The siddhānta agamas speak of various kinds of initiation.7 But two of them are commonly believed to be important namely samayadīksha and nirvana diksha. Their purposes are also different. The former can be said as a right-giving initiation. It bestows the right to perform installation rituals (Pratishta). The nirvana dīksā bestows both i.e.the right to perform rituals and liberation. But it is mainly intended for those who seek liberation. There is a hierarchy of initiates namely Samayin, Putraka, Sādhaka and Ācārya. The Samayin is placed at the lowest position and he gradually ascends to the levels Putraka, Sādhaka and Ācārya. Among them only the Ācārya is sanctioned to perform installation rituals.

The non- Saiddhāntika initiation
Temple construction and the rituals are not at all a matter of concern for non-dualistic bhairava stream. Instead, the focus is fully on attaining liberation. They hold the initiation as Śiva‟s grace that frees the soul from all the bondages and leads to liberation either at the time of initiation or during his life span. They further postulate that Siva‟s grace is felt as descent of grace (śaktipāta). It may fall on someone either at the time of initiation through a mediator (Guru) or independent of mediator or ritual.

Lord Initiation in tantric traditions

Though there are a numerous sub-traditions in tantraand Śākta traditions are more prominent among them. Bauddha3 and Jaina traditions are largely influenced by, and draw materials, from Śaiva cult. Initiation is very important in all these cults since it is considered to be a necessary precondition to learn scriptures and to practice the rituals prescribed therein. Among them the Śaiva cult consists two sub-cults of dualistic Siddhānta and non-dualistic Bhairava. In the Saiddhāntika stream both priesthood and liberation are considered to be the result of initiation. Liberation is the sole aim for Bhairavāgamas. According to them, the initiation fosters the process by freeing the soul from all the bondages. Vaishnava cult consists of three sub-cults namely Vaikhānasa, Pāñcarātra and Bhāgavata. The core tenets and methods of initiation vary in the first two sub-cults. The Bhāgavata stream does not give much importance to initiation. As far as the Śākta tantras are concerned, they follow the Śaiva system of initiation.

Lord Introduction to Tantra Sastra by John Woodroffe

Introduction to Tantra Sastra
John Woodroffe
An Introduction to Tanthra Shastra, by Sir. John Woodroffe (1865–1936) helps a lot for beginners of Tantra, and those who are interested in Tantric field. He was a master in Tantra and a Tantric teacher also. His works on tantra like Serpent power, Shakthi, shaktha, Garland of letters are popular.
This book Touches the topic like concept of Siva and Sakti, The lokas said in tantra sastra, Inhabitants of the world like Varna and Asrama, The Scriptures of the ages, The human Body, Teacher-Guru and Diciple-Sisya, Diksha-Initiation of Education, Sadhana- worship, Four aims of Human Life (dharma, Ardha, kama, Moksham), Sin and virtue in karma, Macrocosm and microcosm, Sidhi

Lord Vijnana Bhairava Tantra with English Translation

Vijnana Bhairava

Sanskrit text with English translation

Bhairava means God, Siva Himself. Vijnan bhairava means “The Knowledge of Ultimate Truth”
Vijnana bhairava is the basic Agamas (laws), its from Rudrayamala Tanthra. Rudrayamala consists Advaitha philosophy studies. This text is in the form of conversation between Jeeva (parvati) and God (siva). It consists variety of Different Spiritual methods to attain the Ultimate Aim. Consist 112 meditation methods.

Lord Discovering the Power of Tantra

Sexuality has an important role in The conduct of practices to accelerate Human Spiritual transformation. This book is a common-sense guide on how to utilize our sexuality to complement a full-scope system of yoga practices. Practical techniques are provided which enable both couples and solo practitioners to use the sexual response to cultivate ecstatic energy to its highest levels of spiritual manifestation in support of the journey to enlightenment. Download ebook

Lord Importance of Tantra Science in modern world: Speech by Girish kumar

Importance of Tantra Science in modern world -Tantra shastratinte samakalena prasakthi
Speech by L Girish kumar, Director of Tantric Vidya peedam in Malayalam language.


How Tantra Expand individual consciousness to Universal consciousness?

Scientific Explanations of Tantra and Tantric Experience

A short Review of the Speech

What does the Tantra word means? Tantra is explained simply as “Tannyate Vistarate iti Tantra” For the word ‘Tan’ - Sharer (body), Vistarate- Expand, so tantra develops something in our body. The only things which can be further expanded (not physically) in our body are our Brain cells. It is said that only few percentage of brain cells are functioning normally. Tantra expand (make function) all brain cells; this is symbolically represented as the Opening of SAHASRARA PADMA (1000 petal Lotus or Energy center resides in Human brain) in Tantra. When this Sahasrara opens, individual experiences a Total different consciousness (Universal consciousness) than the Ordinary consciousness. When an individual attains this stage, He is said to be Self Realized. Tantra is one the Ways to this Self Realization Stage. Since the way to Self Realization through Tantra is somewhat difficult, A Tantric Practitioner should need a Guru to Guide...continued.

Listen to the Speech on Scientific Tantric Practice in Malayalam Download Now

Lord Definition of Tantra and Mantra in Scientific way: Speech by Girish kumar

Tantram mantram yuktichintakal. Tantra and Mantra- Scientific Explation.
A Speech On ‘definition of Tantra and Mantra’ in scientific way in Malayalam by Girish kumar, founder of Shripuram Tantra Peeda Trust.

People now days believe that Tantra has nothing to do with Spirituality, it is only the part of Pooja. It’s a wrong thought. Tantric and mantra has a very valuable place in Spirituality. Tantric word has many means; tantra is old as Veda is.

Now how tantra helps in spiritual development? “Tanyate vistarate ithi tantra”- Tantra Develops or Enlarges (vistarate ) Consciousness. You could ask is it possible to Enlarge consciousness? In 1970 Mr. Abraham masalo explained His Work ‘The hierarchy of human needs’. In His work the fifth and most top Needs of human being is ‘Self actualization’ (self realization- Aatmasashatkaram ), which is simply development of small consciousness to Large (universal )consciousness .
In his book he says that, Peak experience will be experienced to a Human who attains Aatmasashatkara-self realization and he feels that the universe and self is ONE. It is clear that Mr. Abhraham masalo defines Aatmasakshatkara- self realization in his Book. So the modern science confirmed that Self Realization is a Truth. Our Rishis (sages) defined this Early that “aatmalabhanna param vidyate” The Top most knowledge is Self realization.

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Lord Experience blessing for a better and happy life: Speech by Girish kumar

Anugrahatinu patramakan.
A speech by Girish kumar, Tantric master, founder of shripuram tantric trust, in malayalam
‘Experience blessing for a better and happy life’
This Quote rise many questions why should we need blessing in life? Who is capable to bless us? To answer this question first should answer the Question what is meant by life?? Simply for now we can define life as a journey through Time and space between Birth and Death. Through this journey through time and space, what is the main thing we desire in life? Simply we can say that “Happiness”. So to experience happiness we need blessing.
So what is “Happiness”? It resides within our ’Five senses’ could we enjoy or desire anything which is beyond our ‘Five senses’? It is clear from this that our Happiness is a limited thing, since it is limited to time and materials i.e.; Temporary. Continued experiencing this happiness makes us bored. Then we will search for Permanent Happiness. So there are two types of happiness, Temporary happiness and Permanent Happiness.
So each and every human being desires happiness, either temporary or permanent. Common man desires temporary happiness and sage’s desires permanent happiness. Desire or KAMA is the product of ‘vasana’, which is the product of our past KARMA (activities)! We cannot force us to desire something; it is our ‘vasana’ makes us to desire or not to desire something.
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Lord Mind management in Indian culture: Speech by Girish kumar

Mind management in Indian culture
How to teach yourself to deal with the emotions and memories and lead a healthy life. Indian way of mind management. How the Indians try to control and organize it. Mind is a bundle of thoughts, if there are not thoughts, no mind according to a common man. We know that we have a mind only because of we think. But according to Indian sages mind and body are the same. Body and mind are in some way related. It is said mind is the subtle part of body and body is the gross part of mind. Looking into the mind concept of our Indian maharshi’s( sages), they classified the mind into 4 different sections, scientifically.

We fails to understand what our sages said because we don’t know Sanskrit, what we do is we depend on English to learn the scripts. But English is a limited language. So we have to learn Indian culture deeply. The first part of mind is chittam, helps to remember things. The second part of mind helps us to decide about something, think rationally, is Intelligence. Next part is bhavana (imagine, visualize) to imagine about something. Next part is ego, which makes us egoist. I think that I am because I have a mind. That’s why we say I think therefore I am, so the moment I stop thinking, am not. So there are 4 parts chittam (Remember something), budhi (intelligence), manas (imagination), ahankaram (Ego) together makes what we call mind.

How to deal with your mind? If you deal with your memory in proper, it won’t interrupt you from having a healthy life. If you dealt with your memory, emotions in proper it won’t bounce back. The modern education teaches us how to deal with everything like the machines, money, and numbers but except our self! So most of us are emotionally weak because we are not taught how to deal with our emotions, memory etc. You know now the companies now look for emotionally sound persons (they now look for an EQ than IQ). Because an emotionally sound person can handle situations more well than a weak person, even though he is more intelligent than the other. So if you want to live happily you should deal with your emotions, instead of hiding from it. Briefly explains past karma, desires and re-incarnation. What is an intuitional intelligence? Continued...

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