
Lord Initiation in tantric traditions

Though there are a numerous sub-traditions in tantraand Śākta traditions are more prominent among them. Bauddha3 and Jaina traditions are largely influenced by, and draw materials, from Śaiva cult. Initiation is very important in all these cults since it is considered to be a necessary precondition to learn scriptures and to practice the rituals prescribed therein. Among them the Śaiva cult consists two sub-cults of dualistic Siddhānta and non-dualistic Bhairava. In the Saiddhāntika stream both priesthood and liberation are considered to be the result of initiation. Liberation is the sole aim for Bhairavāgamas. According to them, the initiation fosters the process by freeing the soul from all the bondages. Vaishnava cult consists of three sub-cults namely Vaikhānasa, Pāñcarātra and Bhāgavata. The core tenets and methods of initiation vary in the first two sub-cults. The Bhāgavata stream does not give much importance to initiation. As far as the Śākta tantras are concerned, they follow the Śaiva system of initiation.
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