
Lord Initiation in Vaishnava culture

Initiation in Vaikhānasa stream
The basic tenets and the procedures of initiation in Vaikhānasas are as follows:
*It is held by the Vaikhānasas that they are directly initiated by Vishnu himself. vishnu does so when they were in the womb so they are called "Garbhavaishnavas". Therefore they do not believe in the necessity of having a particular form of initiation to enable them for performing vaishnava rituals. On the other hand, vishnubali is done along with the sīmantasamskāra, which is observed in the 6th month of conception. During the ritual vishnubali , specially prepared pāyasa is given to the pregnant woman and as a result of its consumption himself initiates the fetus by his conch and disk.
*One of the Vaikhānasa texts Kriyādhikāra prescribes three kinds of initiation in order to be eligible to perform installation rituals. They are 1. Mānasikī 2. Vācikī and 3. Śārīrikī. As the name indicates, mānasikī form of initiation is done mentally i.e. by the power of meditation and visualization. Second one, i.e. Vācikī is performed in the accompaniment of rituals; particularly it is performed in cakrabja mandala . Sārīriki or Kāyikadīksha means initiating a disciple by drawing the symbols of conch and disk on his body by piercing.
* The only aim of initiation seems to be securing eligibility for observing rituals. Vaikhānasas do not claim that initiation grants liberation.
Initiation in Pāñcarātra stream
According to the principles of Pāñcarātra , the properties of initiation are two-fold. On the one hand it qualifies an initiate to perform vaishnava rituals and on the other it bestows liberation. It is to be noted here that the concept of śaktipāta does not appear in any of the V. This is one of the main differences between the fundamental concepts behind Agamic and Pāñcarātra initiation. In spite of such differences ritual procedures are almost similar both in Vaikhānasa and Pāñcarātra cult.
Some of the notable features of Pāñcarātra initiation are as follows:
*The hierarchy of initiates is as follows 1. Samayin- who is bound by rules and regulations and completely ignorant of the fundamental texts and teachings of Pāñcarātra cult, 2. Putraks- who received second level initiation and also considered as a son by the guru. It is because he has succeeded in following the rules and regulations of a samayin, 3. Sādhaka- who has learnt the fundamental scriptures and very fond of performing rituals. Here what makes sādhaka different from both samayin and putraka is that he is alone permitted to do rituals, 4. Ācārya- who is able to interpret scriptures and capable of imparting initiation to others. He enjoys the topmost position among initiates and privileged to perform all kinds of rituals and practices
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