
Showing posts with label Hindu Rituals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindu Rituals. Show all posts

Lord Scientific basis of the ritual Thoppukaranam or Super brain yoga

Thoppukaranam or yetham in malayalam is a simple favorite devotional action for Lord Ganesha, which is performed by Devotees infront of Lord Ganesha throughout India from time immemorial. Now Thoppukkaranam is rediscovered by modern world as super brain yoga, is a scientific yoga technique which helps to enhance the powers of brain. Origin of the word Thorpu (with the hands) Karnam (ears) is from Sanskrit “Dva bhuja karna”
The ritual is associated with the worship of Lord Ganesha because he is the Lord of Muladharana, which is the first of all the seven energy chakras in human body, where all the powers of a living being reside in latent form.
 Muladhara is the root power of everything in our life, including our desire to do karma in life. In children the Muladhara center is more activated than in adults, thus they are very energetic than adults. If your Muladhara centre is blocked or has low energy level you may seem to be unhealthier, low energetic and uninspired. Muladhara is the controlling and maintaining center of many organs and internal functions, among them Sexual organs and functions is the most important one. Thoppukarnam is an excellent yoga technique to heal the energy blockages in muladhara chakra and to lead the energy to upper energy centers in body; thereby it gives more energy and inspiration to do things and enhances the memory and intelligence power of brain. 
According to the researches by Pranic healing founder Master choa kok sui, persons who regularly practice super brain yoga are extraordinary in all aspects of life.  Super brain yoga enhances overall performance of a person. Physically we see more blood flowing to brain and hence brain is getting more oxygen while doing this exercise. While bending down and coming up it is like pumping the energies from the lower energy centers to upper energy centers. Moreover pressing ear lobes with thumbs will activates both right and left brain sections because they are the acupressure points for the right and left parts of the brain. Indians, You may remember this technique was used by our school teachers in old times as a punishment for not giving correct answers for their questions!
How to do Thoppukarnam or Super brain Yoga
Press your right earlobe with left hand and left earlobes with right hand facing the thumbs infront of earlobes. Remember while doing so right hand should be outside and left hand should be inside touching your chest. While pressing the earlobes squat down, keeping your back straight. While going down inhale deeply and exhale while coming up. Like that do 7 to 12 deep bends daily, this is like adding more fuel to your brain daily. If children do this regularly it is more beneficial than adults because children’s basic energy level is higher and by practicing this they can easily develop more memory and intelligence.
i have seen in temples many peoples doing this carelessly just as a show. if it is not performed correctly it will be useless. if it is done correctly the neuron activity of your brain is stimulated thereby increasing sharpness of mind and enhances intelligence and memory.
Video of How to Do Thoppukaranam-Super brain yoga

Benefits of super brain yoga
Enhances concentration and intelligence in both Adults and children
Sharpens mind and obtain more mind control.
specially helpful to reduce hyperactivity in children.
Redirects basic energy (Sexual energy) to higher energy centers and converts into spiritual energy (ojas).
Balances the activity of Right and Left sections of brain and thereby obtains more emotional stability and problem solving ability.
Research conducted on Superbrain Yoga
Pilot Studies on the effect of superbrain yoga were conducted on school students including children with disabilities such as ADHD/ADD, specific learning disabilities, development and cognitive delays and down syndrome. Children participated in the studies after practicing this exercise showed increased class participation, greater concentration academic qualities and improved social skills. In one study the result of an electroencephalograph showed increased amplitude in the Pareto-occipital region of the brain following the SuperBrain Yoga. This is the result of the increased neuron activity of brain after superbrain yoga.

Lord Karkkidavavu Bali tharpanam

Today- july 18 is Karkkidavavu, The day which is dedicated to passed Ancestors. Karkidavavu Bali tharppanam is a very important Hindu religious Custom performed for the passed ancestors by their relatives. The Bali is performed in the month of Karkkidakam. It is done for the remembrance and peace of the souls of the ancestors who were passed away. By doing so, it helps the passed away souls to attain new worlds including new births in the physical realms and to attain even Moksha (Liberation from the Cycle of Birth and Death). It also brings good and prosperity to the family members of those who perform bali tharppanam.
Why it is performed?
Hindu Culture says when people dies they may not get in to the right worlds they are meant to be because of the negative karmas they did in the past life.  What does it mean by Worlds? Worlds mean not only physical but there are many worlds beyond our physical reality, Hindu culture says there are thousands of levels of consciousness, we are now living in the physical level of consciousness only. One of such worlds is known as ‘Pitru Loka’ (the world of Ancesters), the world which is a part of subtle Energy worlds. What happens to the soul which is not able to attain any worlds? Such souls are known as ‘Ghosts’-Prethatma. The condition of such souls is miserable like a human being isolated in a desert without food, clothes and shelter! So it is the duty of the youngest members of the family to help them to attain new worlds and peace by doing Bali tharppanam. 
Is there Any Scientific basis for this Karma?
Well you cannot do it in your lab and check if it is working! Certainly it is from the experience of many that it is very beneficial for the prosperity of the entire family of those who perform this ritual.  You cannot be happy when any of your family members lives in a bad condition, you will do whatever is possible by you. Like that you may not able to see the souls who were passed away. It is said that the souls are able to see and feel any Lokas (worlds), and they are expecting a help from your side as your family member. And their expectation may sometimes put you in trouble, it may appear as ‘ PitruDosha’ in your Life. It may not means that they are angry with you or they hate you, but they only make you aware of their bad condition in PretaLoka (Ghost world). So Bali tharppanam is the ritual performed to get rid of PitruDoshas.
Where is it performed?
Normally it is performed near the banks of rivers and beach sides. Almost every temple in kerala arranges facilities for doing Karkkidavavu bali tharpanam. You can do it by yourself if you know or do it in guidance of a priest; the importance things are your Love, consideration and Prayer to the ancestors. Things that are needed to perform Bali tharppanam are Darbha (a type of long grass), pavithram (ring made of darbha grass), sesame (Ellu), cooked rice, Flowers, sandal powder, water and banana leaves. 
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