
Showing posts with label Mahabharatha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahabharatha. Show all posts

Lord Teachings of Sage Sanat‐sujata Readings from The Mahabharata ebook download

Teachings of Sage Sanat‐sujata Readings from The Mahabharata. From The Mahabharata Udyoga Parva (Sanat-sujata parva)

Translated by Sri Kisari Mohan Ganguli Compiled by Sri.Ravi Pillay for the modern world
the ancient knowledge of the Hindus Email: Thanks to Sri.Ravi Pillay
Download free ebook now

Dhritarashtra said: If there is anything still left unsaid by thee, O Vidura, say it then, as I am ready to listen to thee. The discourse is, indeed, charming. Vidura said: O Dhritarashtra, O thou of the Bharata race, that ancient and immortal Rishi Sanat‐sujata who, leading a life of perpetual celibacy, has said that there is no Death. That foremost of all intelligent persons will expound to thee all the doubts in thy mind, both expressed and unexpressed. Dhritarashtra said: Do thou not know what that immortal Rishi will say unto me? O Vidura, do thou say it, if indeed, thou hast that degree of wisdom.

Vidura said: I am born in the Sudra order and, therefore, do not venture to say more than what I have already said. The understanding, however, of that Rishi, leading a life of celibacy, is regarded by me to be infinite. He that is a Brahmana by birth, by discoursing on even the profoundest mysteries, never incurs the censure of the gods. It is for this alone that I do not discourse to thee, upon the subject.

Dhritarashtra said: Tell me, O Vidura, how with this body of mine I can meet with that ancient and
immortal one (Sanat‐sujata)?

As this story is repeated by Vaisampayana , who said : Then Vidura began to think of that Rishi of rigid vows. And knowing that he was thought of, the Rishi, O Bharata, showed himself there. Vidura then received him with the rites prescribed by ordinance. And then after having rested a while, the Rishi was seated at his ease.

Download the teachings of sanat sujata sage from mahabharatha udyoga parva or sanat sujata parva for free in ebook format now.
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Lord Viduraneethi: Mahabharatha Udyogaparva messages ebook download

Section from The Mahabharata
Udyoga Parva, sections XXXIII to XLI
Download free ebook on Mahabharatha udyogaparva: Viduraneethi

Vaisampayana said: Kind Dhritarashtra endued with great wisdom (then) said to the orderly in waiting, ‘I desire to see Vidura. Bring him here without delay.’
Despatched by Dhritarashtra, the messenger went to Kshatriya and said: O (thou) of great wisdom,
our lord the mighty king desires to see you.
Thus addressed, Vidura (set out and) coming to the palace, spoke unto the orderly:" Appraise The King Dhritarashtra of my arrival. "

Thereupon the orderly went to Dhritarashtra and said: O foremost of kings, Vidura is here at thy command. He wishes to behold thy feet. Command me as to what he is to do.

Thereupon Dhritarashtra said: Let Vidura of great wisdom and foresight enter. I am never unwilling or unprepared to see Vidura.

The orderly then went out and spoke unto Vidura: O Kshatriya, enter the inner apartments of the wise king. The king says that he is never unwilling to see you.

Vaisampayana continued: Having entered Dhritarashtra’s chamber, Vidura said with joined hands unto that ruler of men who was then plunged in thought: O thou of great wisdom, I am Vidura, arrived here at thy command. If there is anything to be done, here I am, command me!

Dhritarashtra said: O Vidura, Sanjaya has come back. He has gone away after rebuking me. Tomorrow he will deliver, in the midst of the court, Ajatashatru’s message. I have not been able today to ascertain what the message is of the Kuru hero. Therefore, my body is burning, and that has produced sleeplessness. Tell us what may be good for a person that is sleepless and burning.
Thou art, O child, versed in both religion and profit. Ever since Sanjaya has returned from the Pandavas, my heart knows no peace. Filled with anxiety about what he may deliver, all my senses have been disordered.
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