
Showing posts with label Thirukkural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thirukkural. Show all posts

Lord Thirukkural ebook download

Thirukkural, The famous Tamil script from the Sage Thiruvalluvar, considered as the tamil veda.
Free download ebook on Thirukkural.

1.All the letters have the letter ‘A’ as their origin; this world has God as its origin.
2.Of what avail is learning, if the learned do not adore the good feet of him who is Immaculate Wisdom?
3.Those who find refuge in the great feet (of him) who lives in the lotus of the lotus of the heart (of the devotee) live eternally in heaven.
4.Those who have attained the feet of him who has no likes or dislikes will be rid of all troubles.
5.Actions, both good and bad that spring from darkness of the mind will never touch those who ever chant the glories of the Lord.
6.Those who still the five senses and walk in truth and right will ever live.
7.Only those who have sought refuge in the feet of the peerless can shake off anxiety. Others cannot.
8.Only those who have clung to the feet of the Lord, who is the sea of righteousness, will be able to sail the other seas. Others cannot.
9.The head that does not bow down before and worship the feet of the Lord of the eight attributes will be as like the palsied senses.
10.Those who gain the feet of the Lord cross the great ocean of births; others cannot.
11.The world for its existence depends on unfailing rainfall; the rain may well be regarded as the nectar of life.
12.The rain is the source of all articles of food that man needs. It becomes drink too.
13.Hunger would stalk abroad and torment this wide sea-girt world were the rains to fail in time.
14.The cultivation would cease to plough were the clouds’ free supply of water to fail.
15.It is the rain that afflicts man and it is its fall that relieves him.
16.If the clouds were to withhold rain not even a blade of grass would rustle on earth.
17.Even the illimitable deep shrinks if the clouds do not pour and replenish it.
18.If the rains were to fail there would be no more offerings and festivals to the gods.
19.If the rains were to fail, there would neither be alms not penance on this wide earth.
20.The world cannot exist without water; there will be no ceaseless supply without rainfall.
21.The one supreme thing all scriptures affirm is the great renunciation of those who walk in right conduct.
22.To measure the greatness of one who has enounced is like reckoning the number of the dead in this world.
23.The greatest thing on earth is the renunciation of those who understand birth and liberation.
24.He who with firmness bridles the sense is the seed of the eternal bliss. Verily he is the seed of the immortals who with firmness bridles the five senses.
25.Indra, the Lord of the skies is himself a witness, to the might of those who have conquered their five senses.
26.The great achieve the impossible; the little cannot.
27.The world falls at the feet of one who has realizes the true nature of the taste, sight, touch, sound and smell.
28.The greatness of the sages in this world is borne out by their prophetic utterances.
29.It is impossible to resist for ma minute the wrath of those who stand on the hill of virtue’s actions.
30.They are the Brahmins who are righteous and love all creation.
31.Is there anything higher in life than Dharma? It secures glory and wealth.
32.Nothing is higher than Dharma; to forget it is wrought with greatest evil.
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