
Showing posts with label Valmiki Jayanti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valmiki Jayanti. Show all posts

Lord Valmiki Jayanti Birthday of the Ai Kavi full Moon day of Ashvina

Valmiki Jayanti
The birthday of the Ai Kavi, Valmiki is celebrated on the full moon day of Ashvina...

The birthday of the Ai Kavi (the first poet), Valmiki is celebrated on the full moon day of Ashvina (September - October). Valmiki is the author of the so-celebrated Ramayana in Sanskrit. He was contemporary of Rama, the hero of the Ramayana. Valmiki himself represented as taking part in some of these scenes he relates. He received the banished Sita into his hermitage and educated her twin sons Kusha and lava. The invention of the "Shioka" (epic meter) is attributed to Valmiki.

Originally, Valmiki belonged to a depressed class and was a sort of robber. He robbed and even killed the people passing through the forest, but because of the influence of some sages, he repented and betook himself to a hermitage on a hill in the district of Bonda in Bundelkhanda. There, he is said to have eventually received Sita, when banished by Rama.

He got his name "Valmiki" because when immersed in meditation, he allowed himself to be overrun with ants like an anthill. His original name was "Ratnakar". Many depressed classes in the country trace their lineage to Valmiki. On his birthday he is worshipped and prayed and his portraits are taken out in gay processions through the main bazaars and streets. Kirtans are also held in Valmiki temples.
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