
Lord Benefits of BadhaPadmasana

Baddhapadmasana requires a very subtle control of the deep muscles of the shoulders and legs. lt is a very, deep cleansing exercise. lf one can stay in the posture, do long inhalation and exhalation it is exceptionally beneficial. As mentioned by Svaatmaarama, and also contended by authorities like my Acharya that it removes all the diseases, emanating from the stomach and abdominal regions, Pregnant women should not practice this aasanam. Padmaasanam, as mentioned before is not merely an exquisite physical posture, but also is believed to hold the key for proper meditation and rousing of Kundalini achieved.
"Staying well in Padmaasanam, with the palms, one on the other (on the lap), fix the chin on the chest and contemplating (Brahman or lshtadevata) in the mind (chitta), repeatedly raise the Apaana upwards (by contracting the anus. which is Mulabandha) and bring the inhaled Praana downward (after inhalation). By this a man obtains unequalled knowledge through the Flower of Kundalini (which is roused by this process)".- Hathayogapradepika.
Padmasana with bandhas
It could be observed that as a further extension of the practice suggested earlier,the mulabandha started afterwards Bahya Kumbhaka is maintained on inhalation also. And by means of Mulabandha and Jalandharabandha both the passage of the down going Apaana and the up going Praana are sealed, so to say. Then by forcing the Prana downwards and Apaana upwards, the union of Apaana and Praana is achieved.
This is also referred to in the Bhagawad Gita. By the union of Praana and the Apaana, the Jataragni (gastric activity) is aroused and the mythical kundalini, awakened by the Heat of the gastric fire, straightens from out of its coiled position and moves upward of Sushumna. Then the Praana and Apaana are to be forced through the Sushumna And the union of these two takes place, which is the ultimate goal of Hathayoga. Well, suffice it to say that Padmaasanam is an excellent posture for physical, Physiological, psychological, well being and for mystical and spiritual experiences.
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