
Lord Shanmukhimudra

After a strenuous stint in the various Padmaasana variations, one may wish to enjoy the relaxation obtained by such exercises. Shanmukhimudra helps in directing the attention inward. lt is also known as Yoni Mudra. There are some schools who state that it is also known as Saambhavi Mudra. Sit in Padmaasana or other convenient postures like Sidhasana. Vajrasana may also be chosen-but Padmaasanam appears to be quit good. Keep the back erect, and head level, without the Jaalandharabandha Raise the arms, keeping the elbows at shoulder level. Close the ear with the thumbs; the forefinger and middle Fingers over the closed eyelids, the forefinger above and the middle finger below the position of eyeballs. One should not press the eyes hard. but a very mild pressure is to be maintained so that it is barely felt. The ring fingers close the nostrils Partially and the little fingers are kept at the side of the closed mouth.

The attention is directed towards the middle of eyebrows. One may follow the breath. Stay for about five minutes. This is a very relaxing procedure and may be adopted after a strenuous day's work, or even before starting or after Praanyamam, lt helps to calm the mind as the senses are under control, especially when practiced in a noiseless. clean place devoid of unpleasant odorous and other distractions, like insects, mosquitoes etc. It could be a good exercise for Pratyakara or cleaning the senses by their withdrawal and directing inwards.

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