
Lord Hathayogapradeepika: Text on yoga

Hathasya Prathamaangatwat Aasanam Poorvamuchyate
Kuryaath Tadaasanam Sthairyam Aarogyam cha Angalaghavam.
The stanza in Hathayogapradeepika of Svaatmaaraama states that Aasanaas are described in the first place as they form the first stage of Hatha Yoga. Aasanas make one firm, free from diseases and feel extremely light and supple. Brahmaananda, in his commentary "Jyotsna" on Hathayogapradeepika says that Aasana makes one firm, as it weakens the Rajoguna (Aasanena Rajo Hanti) that causes fickleness ( Vikshepa ) of the chitta. Since asanas eradicate diseases, they help the mind to concentrate. According to the author of Yogasutras, Patanjali, "disease ( vyadhi ), dullness ( sthyana ), doubt ( samsaya ), inattention (pramadha) sloth (aalasya ), worldliness ( avirathi ), false notions ( bhrantidarsanam ) missing essentials (alabdabhoonikaira) and instability (anivasthitha) are the causes of distraction of the mind and as such are the obstacles for material or spiritual progress.
Heaviness of body arises from a preponderance of Tamas, and asanas remove this. Though it is impossible to explain clearly and realize the important facts that under lie the various asanas, to till the human system is understood in all its intricacy and detail. it can be said that the various asanas bring about many important results, physical, physiological, psychological, and spiritual. For instance, during some of them, various nerve centers are activated; these effectively help to control the irregularities of the body and what is more fascinating, but no less true, is the purification of the mental process-the mind becoming more and more attentive (ekagra).
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