
Lord How to practice Padmasana

Practice of PADMASANAM :
Sit up, stretch the legs keeping straight. Exhale deeply, bend the right leg, draw the right foot closer to the body with the hands and keep i ton top of the left thighs, in line with the groin. On the next exhalation, in a similar fashion, bend the left knee and place the left foot on top of the right thigh. Now, you have a very firm base to sit and the lower back is relieved of the outward curve normally required to keep up the balance of the body. Now keep the palms fully covering the respective knees, stretch the arms, the spine and the neck and keep the chin on the centre of the breast bones, doing Jalandharabandha. Breathe normally; making hissing noise through the partially closed glottis.
This is Padmasana. After a few breaths, do the posture with left knee bent first. Initially there is bound to be excruciating pain, but with deep exhalation, one should be able to slowly relax and repeat the movements, Especially people who are noticed to squatting may have problems in the early stages. But once the initial resistance is overcome, slowly one will start experiencing the relaxing effects of Padmaasana.its undoubtedly marvel among the yogasanas. One feels extremely secure on a firm base, the lower back enjoys a freedom and comfort unknown even palms on the respective thighs, with fingers pointing inward. Stretch the elbows and raise the trunk and maintain Jaalandharabandha. Do between 6 and 12 long Inhalations and exhalations with the Bandhas. This is very good for the wrists, shoulders, neck and the spine.
For the Posture pictures and ebook download click here
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