
Lord Padmasana and its variations

Padmasana and the variations can be practiced in a series and is recommended by our Acharya to attain Aasanasiddhi (to stay comfort in an asana) and derive the maximum benefit of each variation. lt saves time and ensures that one would exercise all the parts of the body. This series can be done as follows:
1. Padmasanarn
2. parvatasanam
3. Suptapadmaasanam
4. Urdhwapadmaasanam
5. Pindaasanam
6. Parvataasanam
7. Adhomukhapadmasanam
8. Yogamudra
9. Urdhamukha padmasana
10. Parvataasanam
XI. Padmasanam
This series is to be done a few times with the recommended breathing. Then repeat, changing the legs position. This group is exceptionally good to tone up all the rheumatic prone joints, make such stubborn joints as knees, hips, shoulders supple, improves stamina, circulation and general well being. It is very useful for young men and women. There are a number of other more difficult variations. One of them Baddha Padmaasanam is taken up.
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