Sit in any meditation posture, padmasana, sukhasana etc. sidhasana is more appropriate for this. Closing your eyes, place your palms on knees. Relax whole body and sit straight. Take a deep inhale and exhale for some time. Then take a deep breath and hold it, do jalandharabandha, simply bending your head and touch chin with chest without bending body, next from that position, contract your anus for a while 1 to 5 sec, and release it again do the same, repeat it again and then release head from the position and exhale, and relax. This can also be done by exhaling and holding. Concentrate on muladhara chakra while doing the kriya, since it is meant to benefit this chakra.
If you are willing to stay in this kriya for a long time, it can also be practiced in normal breathing.
In this kriya life energy called prana joins with apana, which is the energy maintains sexual functions, urine and all other downward forces, it causes the rise of all pranic energies which gradually helps rise of kundalini, the latent life force in living beings stays in muladhara chakra. It helps to control sexual functions and maintain celibacy. Cures all sexual dysfunctions, erectile dysfunctions caused by weak PC muscles, ejaculatory problems like premature ejaculation, rapid ejaculation etc.
Strengthens anus muscles abdomen muscles and cures digestive problems, cures piles and problems related to it.
Sexual dysfunctions can be cured with this kriya, if it is practiced daily 25 to 50 or more times. Start with doing 10 times a day and gradually increase it. Yoga is not like taking medicines, you have to practice it daily to continue experiencing the benefits. Benefits of all these kriyas can be experienced within 1 to 2 month but to prolong the result, practice daily and make it as routine like eating, bathing etc.
Mulabandha can be done alone without jalandhara bandha, while you walk, talking, watching tv, doing anything, do it without irritating your self, no need to do with a big force, practice it daily and through time, you will be able to control sexual energy and functions, its sure.