
Showing posts with label Yoga Postures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga Postures. Show all posts

Lord Practice of padmasana the lotus pose

Sit on the ground with your head and spine erect without drooping your shoulders. Extend your legs forward such that your knees and heels are placed together. With the help of your hands, place your right foot on the left thigh and then your left foot on the right thigh. Try to touch the knees to the ground and turn the soles of your feet upwards. Attempt also to minimize the gap between the left and right heels.

Touch the thumb of each hand to the index finger at the tips to form a circle. Ensure that the other three fingers are straight. Rest your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on your right knee with the palms facing upwards. Keep your arms straight at the elbows. This hand position is called Jnana Mudra (Knowledge Hand Gesture) because it signifies the knowledge of connecting the Individual Soul (Atma) with the Supreme Soul (Paramatma).

Remain in this final posture with your eyes closed for about 1-2 minutes (in the early stages) or your breakpoint*. Increase this time gradually to several minutes Repeat the above steps with your left foot placed first on the right thigh and your right foot then placed on the left thigh. This will ensure that both legs are built uniformly.

Lord Practice of Vajrasana and its benefits

Vajrasana: The Diamond Pose: Can be practiced after food also.

Vajrasana is the only yoga posture, which is allowed to practice suddenly after food. For All other asanas, there should be a gap of three hours after food.

How to practice vajrasan

Sit on your knee. Taking your foot backwards, touching thumbs of foot each other, sit right upon foot. Keep spine straight and place your hands upon knee. Breathing should be normal. Concentrate on ajna chakra, which is situated between eyes (or close your eyes and concentrate on breathing).

Practice vajrasana upto 15 minutes after food, do two times a day atleast, increases your digestion power and cures all digestion disorders. You can also do it for 15 minutes before food, which reduces obesity. Vajra means diamond in Sanskrit and is the strongest material, there is a naadi in human body known as vajra naadi, which is related to Genital organs, vajrasana empowers this nadi and hence strengthens all genital related organs and cures problems. It is said that practicing vajrasana will make genital organs and sexual strength upto the strength of ‘Vajra’ or Diamond Vajrasana is more important since It also affects the naadi known as’ Kanda’ which is related to 72000 other naadis, Vajrasana is considered to be a remedy for stomach disorders and digestion related problems. If somebody takes a close look to this asana, can see that it is closely related to the ’prayer posture’ of Muslims. It is also very efficient in curing leg pain due to arthritis, sexual disorders, urinary problems, etc. if you feel leg pain of any kind, practice vajrasana for at least 15 minutes, a great relief will be occurred, since it blocks blood to legs for some time, it enlarges and refreshes the blood vessels in legs and thus a great relief from leg pain is experienced.

Benefits of vajrasana

1. Cures stomach and digestion disorders

2. Relief from Leg pain due to arthritis

3. Cures sexual and urinary disorders

4. Only Yoga posture, which is allowed to practice right after food.

Lord How to practice Udyanabandha


The last is udyanabandha. Sit in the same posture you practice mulabandha and jalandharabandha, in padmasana, sukhasana, or sidhasana. This kriya can only be done by exhaling unlike other kriyas. Exhale completely, hold your breath, bending head and touch chin with chest that is, jalandhara bandha. Next contract your stomach inwards and upwards, this is the final position and stay in this for some time or as much time you can hold it without any irritation. Main thing is your spine should be erect though out the kriya. Concentrate on manipuraka chakra, situated in the naval region. Repeat the whole kriya.

This kriya should be practiced only with empty stomach. Those who suffer from ulcer, heart problems should not practice this kriya. Pregnant women also avoid practice this.

This kriya cures digestive problems and all other stomach problems. Gives Benefit to all sensual nadis and other nadis. Energizes manipuraka chakra, this chakra is the main centre in maintaining good and healthy mind, energizing this chakra helps to develop a healthy mind with will power.
Next is mahabandha

Lord How to practice Mulabandha and its benefits


Sit in any meditation posture, padmasana, sukhasana etc. sidhasana is more appropriate for this. Closing your eyes, place your palms on knees. Relax whole body and sit straight. Take a deep inhale and exhale for some time. Then take a deep breath and hold it, do jalandharabandha, simply bending your head and touch chin with chest without bending body, next from that position, contract your anus for a while 1 to 5 sec, and release it again do the same, repeat it again and then release head from the position and exhale, and relax. This can also be done by exhaling and holding. Concentrate on muladhara chakra while doing the kriya, since it is meant to benefit this chakra.

If you are willing to stay in this kriya for a long time, it can also be practiced in normal breathing.

In this kriya life energy called prana joins with apana, which is the energy maintains sexual functions, urine and all other downward forces, it causes the rise of all pranic energies which gradually helps rise of kundalini, the latent life force in living beings stays in muladhara chakra. It helps to control sexual functions and maintain celibacy. Cures all sexual dysfunctions, erectile dysfunctions caused by weak PC muscles, ejaculatory problems like premature ejaculation, rapid ejaculation etc.

Strengthens anus muscles abdomen muscles and cures digestive problems, cures piles and problems related to it.

Sexual dysfunctions can be cured with this kriya, if it is practiced daily 25 to 50 or more times. Start with doing 10 times a day and gradually increase it. Yoga is not like taking medicines, you have to practice it daily to continue experiencing the benefits. Benefits of all these kriyas can be experienced within 1 to 2 month but to prolong the result, practice daily and make it as routine like eating, bathing etc.

Mulabandha can be done alone without jalandhara bandha, while you walk, talking, watching tv, doing anything, do it without irritating your self, no need to do with a big force, practice it daily and through time, you will be able to control sexual energy and functions, its sure.

Lord How to practice Jalandarabandha and its benefits

To practice jalandarabandha,
Sit in padmasana or sukhasana (normal cross leg posture), place your hands both on knee, relax all your body and close eyes. Most important sit straight, take a deep breath and exhale, do this one to three times or as much times to calm your breathing. Then take a deep breath and hold it, next bow your head and touch chin with chest.
That’s it this is the final position, stay relaxed and do it as long as you can hold your breath without any problem. After some time release head from that position and exhale and relax for some time. Repeat the kriya again after some time, you can do it as much times. This kriya can be done in another way also, by exhaling and holding your breath and then the same thing as said above. people with high blood pressure, heart problems, and mental problems are requested to practice it with the guidance of a yoga master only. This kriya benefits the nadi’s in head, thyroid, and parathyroid glands. Helps to cure imbalances in blood pressure, maintains sexual functions, cures mental problems like anxiety, anger, tension etc.

Lord Yoga Bandha Benefits


Bandha’s are very powerful and important yogic kriya’s. It affects and benefits all body parts, helps to attain total control over all nadis (nerves) and body organs. Meanings of bandha are to lock, to tie, to control, etc. It is beneficial for all internal organs in human body. Though bandha meant to give proper balancing of all body functions and give health, it also helps to maintain and develop a good mind. Practicing bandha benefits spiritual development, since it affects chakras, the energy centers in human body. Bandha helps to attain the super most stage which can be attained through yoga called mukthi or liberation.

Mainly there are three types of bandha’s 1.Mulabandha, 2.Jalandharabandha, 3.Udyanabandha

Lord Gheranda Samhita

Gheranda samhita is one of the authenticated book in Sanskrit on Hatha yoga, the other two books are siva samhita and Hathayoga pradepika. Gheranda samhita is in the form of guru-disciple conversation format, conversation between Gheranda maharshi and his disciple Chandakapali. Sage Gheranda describes about the seven important steps in Hatha yoga, they are Satkarma (purification of body before asana), Asana, Mudra, Pratyahara, Pranayama, Dhyana and the Final stage of no return-samadhi.
1, Shatkarma-purification of body
2, Asana gives Dridhata or strength
3,Mudra gives stiratha or steadiness
4, Pratyahara gives dhairyat or calmness
5, Pranayamam gives Laghima or lightness
6,Dhyana gives pratyakshatvam of atma or perception of self
7, Samadhi gives freedom from the life cycle
This text is in Sanskrit translated in to English by Srisa Chandra vasu.  download ebook on Kheranda samhita* Gheranda samhita

Lord Six Recovering Yoga techniques


This is an ebook of Six Recovering Yoga Techniques which will rejuvenate entire body and Nervous system. This 6techniques will stimulate the energy flow through all energy channels (nadis) and Chakras (energy centers), which in turn enliven corresponding body organs and glands. It helps to maintain a good body figure.  Carefully do these exercises daily, instructions and figures are given. These 6 Tibetan exercises are recommended to those who lack energy in their daily life, those who feel exhausted after a few works

Lord Practice of Yoga Mudra

Ho to practice YOGA MUDRA
From Parvataasanam. Exhale deeply and bend forward touching the floor with the forehead and the arms stretched outward. This is particularly good for those who suffer from constipation and irregular or erratic peristallisis lt helps improve digestion and relieve flatulence. Yogis belonging to Kundalini Yoga School credit It with the awakening of Kundalini. Stay for a few breaths and return to Parvataasanam. Another variation would require placing the top of the head on the floor, instead of the forehead.

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Lord Suptapadmasanam: Padmasanam in lie pose

From Parvataasanam, slowly exhale, round the back, raise the knees a bit and lie down on the back completely. with arms stretched overhead and fingers lnterlocked and the padma portion also on the floor. Stay for a few breaths, doing Mula and Uddiyanabandhasa after breathing out. Exhale, lower the arms and hold the toes.Try to stretch the spine and keep it on the ground, the neck also stretched so that the chin is not upward but towards the chest. Close the eyes and stay for a few breaths. This is known as Supta Padmasanam. Now place the palms by the side of the body on the ground. Press the palm on exhaling, raise the padma portion to about 90 degree . Inhale return to Suptapadmasanam. Repeat the movements about 6 times. This helps to work on the lower hip and also helps to counter the ache may develop due to stretching of the back in suptapadmasanam.

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Lord Practice of parvatasana: a variation of lotus pose

Inhale and raise the arms overhead, interlock fingers, stretching the spine, .shoulders. neck, elbows and wrists. Keep the chin locked in Jaalandhatabandha. This is Parvataasanam.(Parvatha: Hill). This posture helps to develop the shoulders and make the shoulder joint supple. Deep inhalation also helps to expand the chest and is especially useful for children, teenagers and young men and women. lt also helps to stretch the abdominal muscles; and it is beneficial to those suffering from breathing problems. After about 6 to 12 breaths, exhale. Bend at the elbows, lower the arms and keep the palms on the back of the neck; with the palms facing upwards the elbows stretched outwards and the shoulder blades approximating each other. On inhalation raise the arms and on exhalation lower them with good stretching of the neck, and shoulder muscles. Repeat 3 to 6 times.
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Lord How to practice Padmasana

Practice of PADMASANAM :
Sit up, stretch the legs keeping straight. Exhale deeply, bend the right leg, draw the right foot closer to the body with the hands and keep i ton top of the left thighs, in line with the groin. On the next exhalation, in a similar fashion, bend the left knee and place the left foot on top of the right thigh. Now, you have a very firm base to sit and the lower back is relieved of the outward curve normally required to keep up the balance of the body. Now keep the palms fully covering the respective knees, stretch the arms, the spine and the neck and keep the chin on the centre of the breast bones, doing Jalandharabandha. Breathe normally; making hissing noise through the partially closed glottis.
This is Padmasana. After a few breaths, do the posture with left knee bent first. Initially there is bound to be excruciating pain, but with deep exhalation, one should be able to slowly relax and repeat the movements, Especially people who are noticed to squatting may have problems in the early stages. But once the initial resistance is overcome, slowly one will start experiencing the relaxing effects of Padmaasana.its undoubtedly marvel among the yogasanas. One feels extremely secure on a firm base, the lower back enjoys a freedom and comfort unknown even palms on the respective thighs, with fingers pointing inward. Stretch the elbows and raise the trunk and maintain Jaalandharabandha. Do between 6 and 12 long Inhalations and exhalations with the Bandhas. This is very good for the wrists, shoulders, neck and the spine.
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Lord Padmasana and its importance

padmasanam is one of the well-known asanas and holds the pride of place among sitting postures. lt easily fits into the definition of Patanjali on asana, "Sthira SukhamAsanam" which define asanas as staying steady and comfortable, Padmaasana, especially its important variation Badhapadmaasana.completely immobilizes the limbs and gives steadiness to the yogi's posture. The stretch experienced in all the stubborn joints, as the neck. Shoulders, elbows, wrists lower back, hip. knees, ankles and toes makes it I complete posture.
lt gives a very firm base for sitting for pranayama, Japa or study. No doubt it holds the fascination of many yoga aspirants.According to Sri Sureshwaracharya, the first Pithdhipathi of Sringeri sankaraMutt, Padmaasana, along with swastika, gomukha, and Hamsa are known as Brahmaasanas, as given in the last Ullasa (chapter) in Manasollasa, an authentic, elaborate commentary on sri Sankarabhagavatpada's, Daksliinamurti Ashtakam. Then Nrisirnha, Garuda, Kurma and Naaga are known as Vaishnavaasanamsand Vira, Mayura,Vajra and Sidha are Rudraasanas. Yoni asana is known among Saaktha group and Paschimottaanasana, is a Saiva Asanam.
Other Asanas
Svastikam, gomukham, padmam, hamsaakyam, Bhrahmamaasanam! Nrisimham, garudam, kurmam, naagakhyam. Vaishnavaasanam, Virami, Mayuram, Vajraakhyam, sidhakhyam, rudramaasanam! Yonyaasanamviduhu. Saaktham. Saivam paschimataanakahym.

Lord Baddhapadmasana

Baddhapadmasana is described as "Padmasanam" in Hatayogapradeepika.
VaamorooparDi akshinamcha Charanam Samsthapya Vaaman TathaDakshoroopari Paschi menavidhina Dhruthwa Karaabhyaam Dhrudham Angushtau Hridaye Nidhaaya Chibukam Naasagramaalokayeth Yetath Vyaadhivinaasakaari Ysminaam admaasanam Prochyathe
Practice of bhadha padmasanam
Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh, cross the hands behind the back (ones- own back, of course!) and firmly take hold of the toes (the right toe with the right hand and the left toe with the left.) Place the chin on the chest and gaze at the tip of the nose (Naasaagra). This is called Padmaasanam. It destroys the diseases of the self-restrained yogins,(Yamis)

Lord Bhadrasanam

Sit in Padmasanam. inhale raise the arms and on exhalation, lower the arms and keep the palms on the respective thighs, with fingers pointing inward. Stretch the elbows and raise the trunk and maintain Jaalandharabandha. Do between 6 and 12 long inhalations and exhalations with the Bandhas. This is really good for the wrists, shoulders, neck and the spine.


Included as a variation in Sarvangasanam. The same asana can be practiced from Suptapadmasanam. Exhale, raise the trunk, as in Sarvangasanarn, but instead the legs being straight they are in Padmasanam. Stay for a few breaths From there one may proceed to do Pindasanam. Return to Parvatasanam.
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Lord Urdhamukha padmasanam

From Parvataasanam,exhale and rolling . back the shoulders, keep the palms behind the buttocks about one foot away and about one foot between the palms. inhale, press the palms and knees, raising the trunk and stretching the neck backward. This acts as a counter pose to Yogamudra. The front portion of the torso is stretched, the lower back also gets a massaging effect. The wrists, elbows, arms and neck get relieved of the slight pain encountered in the previous mentioned postures as Yogamudra, Parvataasanam' etc, After about 6-breaths, exhaling return to Padmasanam raising the trunk is done while exhaling, it is langana kriya.

Lord Padmasana and its variations

Padmasana and the variations can be practiced in a series and is recommended by our Acharya to attain Aasanasiddhi (to stay comfort in an asana) and derive the maximum benefit of each variation. lt saves time and ensures that one would exercise all the parts of the body. This series can be done as follows:
1. Padmasanarn
2. parvatasanam
3. Suptapadmaasanam
4. Urdhwapadmaasanam
5. Pindaasanam
6. Parvataasanam
7. Adhomukhapadmasanam
8. Yogamudra
9. Urdhamukha padmasana
10. Parvataasanam
XI. Padmasanam
This series is to be done a few times with the recommended breathing. Then repeat, changing the legs position. This group is exceptionally good to tone up all the rheumatic prone joints, make such stubborn joints as knees, hips, shoulders supple, improves stamina, circulation and general well being. It is very useful for young men and women. There are a number of other more difficult variations. One of them Baddha Padmaasanam is taken up.

Lord Adhomukhapadmasana

Sit in padmasanam. Extend the arms forward and place the palms on the floor. Now exhale, raise the hips and stand on the knees, with the support of the palms, Flex the elbows, and lie face down, so that the entire body with the legs in padmasanam is on the ground. Now inhale, press the palms and the knees and raise the trunk, stretching the arms, elbows and shoulders. This is adhomukhapadmasanam. Stay for a few breaths. Then pressing the palms. Exhaling, slowly push the back and body, so that one sits in Padmasanam and the upper body stretched forward in Yogamudra. Inhale, raise trunk back to Parvatasanam.

Lord Shanmukhimudra

After a strenuous stint in the various Padmaasana variations, one may wish to enjoy the relaxation obtained by such exercises. Shanmukhimudra helps in directing the attention inward. lt is also known as Yoni Mudra. There are some schools who state that it is also known as Saambhavi Mudra. Sit in Padmaasana or other convenient postures like Sidhasana. Vajrasana may also be chosen-but Padmaasanam appears to be quit good. Keep the back erect, and head level, without the Jaalandharabandha Raise the arms, keeping the elbows at shoulder level. Close the ear with the thumbs; the forefinger and middle Fingers over the closed eyelids, the forefinger above and the middle finger below the position of eyeballs. One should not press the eyes hard. but a very mild pressure is to be maintained so that it is barely felt. The ring fingers close the nostrils Partially and the little fingers are kept at the side of the closed mouth.

The attention is directed towards the middle of eyebrows. One may follow the breath. Stay for about five minutes. This is a very relaxing procedure and may be adopted after a strenuous day's work, or even before starting or after Praanyamam, lt helps to calm the mind as the senses are under control, especially when practiced in a noiseless. clean place devoid of unpleasant odorous and other distractions, like insects, mosquitoes etc. It could be a good exercise for Pratyakara or cleaning the senses by their withdrawal and directing inwards.

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