
Lord Practice of parvatasana: a variation of lotus pose

Inhale and raise the arms overhead, interlock fingers, stretching the spine, .shoulders. neck, elbows and wrists. Keep the chin locked in Jaalandhatabandha. This is Parvataasanam.(Parvatha: Hill). This posture helps to develop the shoulders and make the shoulder joint supple. Deep inhalation also helps to expand the chest and is especially useful for children, teenagers and young men and women. lt also helps to stretch the abdominal muscles; and it is beneficial to those suffering from breathing problems. After about 6 to 12 breaths, exhale. Bend at the elbows, lower the arms and keep the palms on the back of the neck; with the palms facing upwards the elbows stretched outwards and the shoulder blades approximating each other. On inhalation raise the arms and on exhalation lower them with good stretching of the neck, and shoulder muscles. Repeat 3 to 6 times.
For the Posture pictures and ebook download click here
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