
Lord Suptapadmasanam: Padmasanam in lie pose

From Parvataasanam, slowly exhale, round the back, raise the knees a bit and lie down on the back completely. with arms stretched overhead and fingers lnterlocked and the padma portion also on the floor. Stay for a few breaths, doing Mula and Uddiyanabandhasa after breathing out. Exhale, lower the arms and hold the toes.Try to stretch the spine and keep it on the ground, the neck also stretched so that the chin is not upward but towards the chest. Close the eyes and stay for a few breaths. This is known as Supta Padmasanam. Now place the palms by the side of the body on the ground. Press the palm on exhaling, raise the padma portion to about 90 degree . Inhale return to Suptapadmasanam. Repeat the movements about 6 times. This helps to work on the lower hip and also helps to counter the ache may develop due to stretching of the back in suptapadmasanam.

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