
Showing posts with label Suryanamaskar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suryanamaskar. Show all posts

Lord Suryanamaskara mantra free mp3 download with lyrics

Suryanamaskara manthra
Suryanamaskar is a yogic exercise, though it is not a part of traditional yoga, it’s a perfect exercise that benefits whole body parts, increases blood circulation and energizes body and mind and gives a perfect healthy body. Suryanamaskar is an important exercise in RSS shakas. Mantras to be chanted while doing suryanamaskar are noted here. It’s a package of twelve different asanas or postures.
Dhyana slogam before doing
Dheya sada savruthu mandhala madhyavarthe
Narayana sarasijasana sannivishta
Keeyuravan makarakundhalavankireedi
1. Ohm mithraya namah
2. Ohm ravaye namah
3. Ohm suryaya namah
4. Ohm bhanave namah
5. Ohm khagaya namah
6. Ohm Pushne namah
7. Ohm hirannyagarbhaya namah
8. Ohm marechaye namah
9. Ohm Adithyaya namah
10. Ohm savithre namah
11. Ohm arkkaya namah
12. Ohm bhaskaraya namah
13. Ohm sre savitrusuryanarayanaya namah
AAdithyassya namaskaran
Yee kurvanthi dine dine
AAyurprajna balam veeryam
Thejasthwesham cha jayathe.
Download mp3

Lord Benefits of suryanamaskar

Suryanamaskara: Wonderful Kriya to get a perfect healthy body and mind

Suryanamaskara is considered as an extra ordinary kriya to give exercise to the full body itself. Even though it is not from the traditional Yoga, it helps to give flexibility and health to all body parts, internal and external and nadi’s (blood vessels). It consists of twelve asanas (postures). In fact suryanamaskar is a package of twelve yogasanas. One round of suryanamaskar is completed when these twelve asanas repeated twice. These twelve asanas are described below. It is preferred to do all other asanas after doing suryanamaskar, because body becomes more flexible after it, and will be more comfortable to practice other asanas. There are certain rules to follow to get the full advantage of suryanamaskara, and one should follow these correctly in order to get total refreshment to mind and body. One simple rule is you must have full concentration in each stage of the kriya, and second is breathing, each asana in suryanamaskara is done in correct breathing order, it will be described lately. If you feel that you have no time to practice yoga with different asanas, suryanamaskar is the best solution for you, you get advantages of many asanas when practice suryanamaskara.

Suryanamaskara is a combination of twelve asanas with a little breathing exercise

Hence by doing it, you get the benefits of 12 asanas and a small breathing exercise (pranayama). It’s a good health package! Without any cost

Practice 12 suryanamaskara daily or do at least five times daily.

Those who are willing to get a total healthy body and mind without wasting time and money are recommended to practice suryanamaskara daily. It is best for office workers, since they have less physical works to do in work place, instead of jogging they can practice it. To get the more spiritual benefits do the whole asana slowly by taking time. Repeating the whole asanas in speed gives more physical benefits. As said early this kriya will gives full body refreshment. Students are recommended to include this in their routine, because it helps body growth.

Best time to practice sooryanamaskara is morning 3 to 7 and evening 4 to 6. It can be practiced by any age people since it is very simple to do. But it is very useful and considered as an ‘All in one’ Kriya. Since it is simple it can be practiced without a guidance of yoga teacher.

The author of this post have experienced the benefits of this wonderful kriya, it makes your body refreshed all day, keep your spine straight. It can be called as a ‘Sarvangasana’ (exercise or posture for full body), since it is beneficial for full body.

Lord How to practice suryanamaskar: The perfect exercise

Stage1: Prartanasana: prayer posture
It resembles you stand in front of the shrine of a temple. As the name indicates exactly what the asana is, Stand straight with hands holding near to chest as in prayer and, breathe normally, chant the mantra “ohm mithraya namah”
Stage2: hastotanasana:
From the first stage posture, breathing inhale, lift your hands and head upwards, keeping hands in ‘shoulder width’, bending and stretching your body backwards (don’t bend your legs), hold on that posture some seconds (1 to 3sec or according to your ability)
Stage3: Padahastasana
From stage2, breathing exhale, bending frontwards, touch your foot with fingers or place your palm fully on floor (if you can and don’t do this in force, by daily practice, it is possible), head downwards, stay a while in that position holding the breath
Stage4: Aswasanchalanasana: Horse riding posture (names resemble the posture)
From stage3, placing both palms on floor fully, extend your right leg backwards and place it on the floor, this time, head upwards looking straight, with breathing inhale, stay a while, holding breath
Stage5: Parvatasana: mountain posture
From stage4, extend your left leg also, holding palms in same position, bend your back upwards by breathing exhale, place foot on floor, hold a while, In that posture. Before starting the next posture you can inhale or hold your breath exhale
Stage6: Ashtanganamaskara: namaskar with eight body parts
From stage5 without changing your leg and hand position, breathing exhale (if you inhaled after stage5) lay down on floor touching your chin, chest, palms, legs on the floor and lift you abdomen a little upwards, to make more clear ‘Ashtanga’ means eight body parts, touches the floor. Lay in that posture for a while, if you are tired you can take some more time in that stage by breathing normally (since this is the only stage which gives full relaxation during the kriya)
Stage7: Bhujangasana
From stage6, without changing hand and leg position, bend upwards, breathing inhale, placing abdomen and legs fully on floor, lifting head upwards (this posture strengthens your spinal cord), hold a while
Stage8: Parvathasana (returning to stage five)
Return to the stage5 (do same as in stage5)
Stage9: Aswasanchalanasana
Return to the stage4 (do same as in stage4)
Stage10: Padahastasana
Return to the stage3 (do same as in stage3)
Stage11: hastotanasana
Return to the stage2 (do same as in stage2)
Stage12: Prartanasana
Return to the stage1 (do same as in stage1)
After doing all this asanas repeat this all once more, thus finish a full suryanamaskara
Mantras to be chanted for each stage is noted here (it is not compulsory to chant, if you feel it difficult). For spiritual benefits it is recommended to chant the mantra and concentrate on the particular chakra related (means concentrate on the body part where the chakra is related)
Stage1: chant “ohm hrem mitraya nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘Anahata’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage2: chant “ohm hrem ravaye nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘Vishudhi’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage3: chant “ohm hrum suryaya nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘swadishtana’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage4: chant “ohm hryem bhanave nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘Ajna’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage5: chant “ohm hraum khagaya nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘Vishudhi’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage6: chant “ohm hra pooshne nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘manipura’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage7: chant “ohm hram hiranya garbhaya nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘swadishtana’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage8: chant “ohm hrem marechaye nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘vishudhi’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage9: chant “ohm hrum adityaya nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘ajna’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage10: chant “ohm hrym saavitre nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘swadishtana’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage11: chant “ohm hraum arkaya nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘vishudhi’ chakra’ while doing.
Stage12: chant “ohm hra bhaskaraya nama” after completing the stage and concentrate on ‘Anahata’ chakra’ while doing.
Benefits of suryanamaskara
1. Keeps body and mind healthy without wasting time and energy
2. Beneficial for full body, since it’s a package of 12 asanas, you get the benefits of all the 12
3. Its an energizer, Refresh mind and body and gives more energy for activities
4. Helps to maintain body structure and free from obesity
5. Practice it daily morning, facing the sun, as a prayer to sun, gives you the benefits of a sun bath.More and more benefits can be experienced, if it is practiced regularly.
Wishing you a healthy and happy life

Thank you
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