
Lord How to practice Udyanabandha


The last is udyanabandha. Sit in the same posture you practice mulabandha and jalandharabandha, in padmasana, sukhasana, or sidhasana. This kriya can only be done by exhaling unlike other kriyas. Exhale completely, hold your breath, bending head and touch chin with chest that is, jalandhara bandha. Next contract your stomach inwards and upwards, this is the final position and stay in this for some time or as much time you can hold it without any irritation. Main thing is your spine should be erect though out the kriya. Concentrate on manipuraka chakra, situated in the naval region. Repeat the whole kriya.

This kriya should be practiced only with empty stomach. Those who suffer from ulcer, heart problems should not practice this kriya. Pregnant women also avoid practice this.

This kriya cures digestive problems and all other stomach problems. Gives Benefit to all sensual nadis and other nadis. Energizes manipuraka chakra, this chakra is the main centre in maintaining good and healthy mind, energizing this chakra helps to develop a healthy mind with will power.
Next is mahabandha
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