
Lord Practice of Vajrasana and its benefits

Vajrasana: The Diamond Pose: Can be practiced after food also.

Vajrasana is the only yoga posture, which is allowed to practice suddenly after food. For All other asanas, there should be a gap of three hours after food.

How to practice vajrasan

Sit on your knee. Taking your foot backwards, touching thumbs of foot each other, sit right upon foot. Keep spine straight and place your hands upon knee. Breathing should be normal. Concentrate on ajna chakra, which is situated between eyes (or close your eyes and concentrate on breathing).

Practice vajrasana upto 15 minutes after food, do two times a day atleast, increases your digestion power and cures all digestion disorders. You can also do it for 15 minutes before food, which reduces obesity. Vajra means diamond in Sanskrit and is the strongest material, there is a naadi in human body known as vajra naadi, which is related to Genital organs, vajrasana empowers this nadi and hence strengthens all genital related organs and cures problems. It is said that practicing vajrasana will make genital organs and sexual strength upto the strength of ‘Vajra’ or Diamond Vajrasana is more important since It also affects the naadi known as’ Kanda’ which is related to 72000 other naadis, Vajrasana is considered to be a remedy for stomach disorders and digestion related problems. If somebody takes a close look to this asana, can see that it is closely related to the ’prayer posture’ of Muslims. It is also very efficient in curing leg pain due to arthritis, sexual disorders, urinary problems, etc. if you feel leg pain of any kind, practice vajrasana for at least 15 minutes, a great relief will be occurred, since it blocks blood to legs for some time, it enlarges and refreshes the blood vessels in legs and thus a great relief from leg pain is experienced.

Benefits of vajrasana

1. Cures stomach and digestion disorders

2. Relief from Leg pain due to arthritis

3. Cures sexual and urinary disorders

4. Only Yoga posture, which is allowed to practice right after food.
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